What are multifocal contact lenses? Basically, they are made with different lens powers which target vision at varying distances from the wearer. Think about them as an all-in-one lens with multiple prescriptions. These are prescribed to people with presbyopia, a gradual loss of your eyes’ ability to focus on nearby objects which becomes noticeable in your early to mid-40s and continues to worsen until around age 65.

In this blog, the esteemed optometrist of Eyes on Norbeck answers three of the frequently asked questions about multifocal contact lenses.
1. How Are They Different From Bifocal Contact Lenses?
For one thing, multifocal lenses have a smooth and gradual transition between the prescription for reading, normal distance, and viewing things from a farther distance. Bifocal lenses, on the other hand, have a more abrupt difference in the line between near and normal vision areas.
2. Are There Different Kinds of Multifocal Lenses?
There are generally three main types of multifocal lenses: concentric, aspheric, and segmented. Concentric lenses have concentric circles on the lens that allow for a gradual transition from one prescription to the next. Aspheric lenses are similar but the prescriptions are located in the center to simulate natural sight. Segmented lenses resemble bifocal lenses for eyeglasses with the near prescription located on the bottom half, and the distance prescription on the top half.
3. Are Multifocal Contact Lenses for Me?
This question can be answered by your eye doctor. The most important consideration is your lifestyle. Your eye doctor will ask about your regular activities and hobbies to determine if multifocal lenses are right for you.
Here at Eyes on Norbeck, we understand that our patients have unique visual needs. This is why we aim to provide a more personalized and direct approach when it comes to caring for your eyes. Schedule an eye exam appointment with us today by calling (301) 238-7199. You may also fill out our contact form.