Eye and Eczema: Eyezema
If you have eczema, you know how frustrating and irritating it is when it flares up. Parts of your body becomes itchy, red, dry, and feels “hot”. In fact, “eczema” is derived from a Greek word meaning “to boil over”. What you may not realize, is that your eczema can affect the health and comfort of your eyes.
Red Eyelids
The thinnest skin is located around our eyes, specifically the eyelids. When eczema flares up, the eyelids are constantly rubbing against itself as you blink throughout the whole day. This creates a dryer and more irritated area.
Red Eyes
As the eyelids are “red and hot” (inflammation), it is always in constant contact with the surface of the eye. Not only are the lids unable to provide healthy tears, the inflamed eyelids transfers its inflammation onto the eyes, especially at lower portion of the eyes. This causes the eyes to be red and oftentimes watery.
Many of my new patients with eczema are drowning their red eyes with lubricant drops. I mean, they are putting it in every 1-2 hours! If they don’t, the symptoms come back right away. This is definitely not the way to live our lives. Lubricant eye drops should not be fixing the redness and irritation, it should be managing it.
Prescription eye drops should be used first to calm ALL the inflammation and bring the eyes back to healthier state. THEN, lubricants can be used to maintain the health of the eyes, but not every 1-2 hours!
If you have eczema or noticing you are constantly having red and irritated eyes, give us a call to schedule an appointment so we can make your life a little bit better!