With quarantine restrictions being loosened, more people are visiting beaches and pools this summer season. If you’re one of these people, don’t let irritated eyes ruin your day out. In today’s post, your local optometrist and eye care specialist at Eyes on Norbeck shares tips on how to protect your eyes while swimming.

Wear Goggles
When shopping for swimming gear, don’t forget to add a good pair of swimming goggles to your list. Opening your eyes in the water can wash away the layer of protective moisture that coats the eyes, which can cause itchiness, redness, and dry eye, especially if you’re a frequent swimmer. Saltwater is actually better for the eyes than pool water because it’s saline, much like eye drops and natural tears. However, other particles in seawater can still get into your eyes and cause irritation.
Swimming goggles also help you see clearly underwater, which makes it an essential piece of gear when you also dive for fun. If you wear prescription eyeglasses, you can get prescription goggles from your local eye care center.
Wash Your Eyes With Running Water After Swimming
Swimming pools have a much higher concentration of chlorine compared to tap water. Washing your eyes under running tap water after swimming can help reduce irritation caused by chlorine or particles in seawater. After washing, close your eyes for a few minutes to let your tears coat your eyes. This will help restore your eyes’ moisture level and avoid dry eyes.
Bring Eye Drops
Always bring eye drops with you when you go swimming. It can help restore your eyes’ moisture balance after washing your eyes. If you’re prone to dry eye, there are gel drops that are applied before swimming. Ask your local eye care expert on what product is best for your eyes.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
It’s not as noticeable when you’re in the water, but you also sweat when you swim. This, and the fact that your body needs moisture to produce tears, means you have to keep yourself hydrated when swimming.
Eyes on Norbeck is your leading provider of eye care services. Give us a call at (301) 690-9177. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment for a computer vision exam. We serve clients in Rockville, MD, and the surrounding communities.