Astigmatism is a common eye condition characterized by blurry or distorted vision. While it can remain stable in some people, it may worsen over time. In this blog post, Eyes on Norbeck discusses what causes astigmatism and how it can be treated.
Sleeping in Contact Lenses
Sleeping in Contact Lenses It will catch up to you Why do we continue to ignore the FDA, NIH and CDC’s recommendation in regards to eye safety? Do we think we are smarter than the unseen geniuses at those institutes? Or, do we just “brush it off” because we believe we are lucky and think […]
Visual Efficiency In Kids
There’ a difference between seeing and SEEING. What in the world does that mean? Your child could be seeing “fine,” but they may not be seeing efficiently. They are unaware of what clear actually can be, so they are constantly straining. Often times kids are unknowingly “working” to see the prints in the books and/or […]
Itchy and Red Eyes
Eye Allergies Itchy and Red Eyes Eyes On Norbeck: Dr. Chun AuYeung Have you recently: started to rub your eyes (especially with your knuckles)? noticed your contact lenses are more blurry, cloudy, and/or dry? experienced constant eye redness? If you are, then you may be experiencing ocular allergies. It is time to take control of […]