Sleeping in Contact Lenses It will catch up to you Why do we continue to ignore the FDA, NIH and CDC’s recommendation in regards to eye safety? Do we think we are smarter than the unseen geniuses at those institutes? Or, do we just “brush it off” because we believe we are lucky and think […]
Common LASIK Surgery Myths and the Truth Behind Them
LASIK has proven to be one of the best treatment options for people with refractive errors. Even so, a lot of misleading information about the surgery has made the rounds, preventing people from visiting their optometrist and learning if they are candidates for the procedure or not. This article takes a look at the common […]
Computer Vision Syndrome : Ways to Improve Your Visual Efficiency
Computer Vision Syndrome Digital Eye Strain Solutions It’s 2018. The use of computers and digital devices is now the norm. We can’t escape it no matter what. From the moment we wake up to check our e-mails to Facebook during lunch to YouTube before bed. Heck, it is our alarm clocks now! We are digitally […]
Eye and Eczema: Eyezema
Eye and Eczema: Eyezema If you have eczema, you know how frustrating and irritating it is when it flares up. Parts of your body becomes itchy, red, dry, and feels “hot”. In fact, “eczema” is derived from a Greek word meaning “to boil over”. What you may not realize, is that your eczema can affect […]
Itchy and Red Eyes
Eye Allergies Itchy and Red Eyes Eyes On Norbeck: Dr. Chun AuYeung Have you recently: started to rub your eyes (especially with your knuckles)? noticed your contact lenses are more blurry, cloudy, and/or dry? experienced constant eye redness? If you are, then you may be experiencing ocular allergies. It is time to take control of […]
Back To School Time: Vision Screening
Back to School Edition: School’s Vision Screening Dr. Chun AuYeung It is that time of the year…back to school time! Let’s talk a bit about school’s vision screening. The typical school’s vision screening is a quick process where the child reads a set of letters at a distance. Got it right? They pass. Got it […]
Eyes Have 3 Unique Type of Tears
Tears, Tears, Tears Here is an overview of what they are and what they do: Basal Tears These are our normal, everyday, multifunctional tears. They help lubricate and nourish our front surface of the eyes, fight off infections (contains “fighting” cells), and act as a refractive media. These tend to have a […]