Different lenses require different solutions. Some people may have specific eye conditions or allergies that need a particular kind of solution. Moreover, the type of contacts you wear can dictate the solution you should use. In this post, we will help you select the right contact lens solution that fits your needs.
Natural Cataract Remedies: Sorting Fact from Fiction
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cataracts, you’re likely learning all you can about this common eye condition. You may have read about numerous natural remedies claiming to cure cataracts in your research. From eye exercises to dietary changes, these remedies can seem appealing. But do they really work, or are […]
How Can Winter Conditions Affect Your Eyes?
Winter is when you cozy indoors and spend more time with your loved ones. Along with its chilly temperatures and shorter days, it brings along conditions that can affect your vision and eye health. A local optometrist shares how winter weather can affect your eyes.
Aging Eyes: What You Can Do to Protect Your Vision
It’s common to experience changes in your vision as you age. Older adults tend to find it difficult to see things up close or need more light to see clearly. They are also at higher risk of developing certain eye conditions, such as cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma.
Why Crying Benefits You
You might think that shedding a tear is a sign of weakness or embarrassment. However, those little droplets can do wonders for your eye health. Yes, you read it right—crying is actually good for you! Read on to discover the surprising science behind crying and clarify the many ways that a good sob can help […]
Is Wearing the Wrong Prescription Bad for My Eyes?
Wearing eyeglasses helps you see clearly if you have refractive errors and is vital to maintaining clear vision. However, many people get the wrong prescription, causing them to experience a wide variety of effects that hinder them from doing daily life activities. Eyes On Norbeck explains more.
How Hormones Affect Your Vision and Eye Health
Have you ever wondered how hormones play a role in our overall health? These tiny little chemical messengers help regulate numerous functions in our bodies, including our vision and eye health. In this blog post, an optometrist will explore the importance of understanding the relationship between hormones and our eyes.
How To Prevent And Manage Dry Eye In Winter
You must have noticed that your skin tends to be drier in winter. The cold, dry air can have a similar effect on your eyes. During this season, many people experience dry eye. It is a condition that occurs when your eyes do not produce enough tears.
Are Online Vision Tests Reliable?
Eyeglasses and contact lenses are the most common vision correction options for people with refractive errors. You must get a prescription first from a qualified eye care professional to get them. With online eye exams, you won’t need to leave the house to have your vision assessed.
Can VR Headsets Harm Your Eyes?
Research done in 2020 indicate that an estimated 52.1 million Americans are using VR headsets for different purposes. While these devices are useful in other applications, such as military and medical training, they’re also used for digital entertainment like video games and interactive experiences.